

    Natural, Safe & effective approach

    • Decreases inflammation naturally
    • Strengthens Lung function
    • Treats underlying deficiencies

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    Acupuncture & holistic medicine are used effectively in the treatment of asthma by stimulating
    the body to produce anti-inflammatory agents naturally and decrease inflammation.
    Acupuncture also affects the sympathetic nervous system to ease constriction in the lungs.
    The unique causes of asthma are addressed which include environmental factors, diet,
    emotions (sadness or grief), congenital weakness, birth trauma or chronic illness.



    Herbal medicine is used in the treatment of acute and chronic asthma to strengthen
    the lungs, stop wheezing, improve circulation in the lungs and chest, improve breathing
    and eliminate phlegm.


    Herbs are given to address each patient’s specific case and treat underlying deficiencies.
    We can help you with your asthma symptoms by using a natural and effective approach.
    Call today on 02087800955
    or click here to schedule your appointment.