
    Vision Restoration

    Natural, non-invasive method

    • Stops vision getting worse
    • Improves your eye sight
    • Prevents vision loss

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    Using a combination of acupuncture, integrative medicine and nutrition therapy, our
    clinic has helped many patients improve their vision naturally.
    If you are dealing with vision loss, you may feel hopeless, depressed, or frustrated.
    You may be told there are no options for treatment, but fortunately there is!
    In Chinese medicine, we don't just look at your eyes, we see the body as a whole.
    This means apart from aging, we investigate all factors that are causing your vision
    loss to give you the most comprehensive and effective treatment.
    Acupuncture works by improving blood flow, oxygen and nutrition to the eyes muscles,
    improving vision and preventing further damage. Specific points located along the
    eyebrows, hands, feet and ankles are used to activate the visual cortex of the brain,
    and stimulate the retina and optic nerve.
    If you are looking for the natural and effective options for promoting your vision, call
    us today on 020 8780 0955 or click here to for a free consultation and start to know
    how we can help improve the quality of your life!