BSc Hons, British Acupuncture Council Insured
Acupuncture | Chinese Herbal Medicine | Aesthetics
Build a Good Health Together
Yan Clinic
Putney London
Asthma causes attacks of wheezing and shortness of breath. When someone with asthma irrihale particles, the immune system overreacts, producing histamine, making the airways narrowband
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are a great combination to treat asthma naturally and without side-effects. They work very well together to boost and balance the immune system, target the underlying deficiencies causing your asthma and allergies.
Taking asthma medications only mask the symptoms and often come with undesired side-effects. With the help of natural herbal medicine, your body will have the ability to heal itself as well as prevent further asthma attacks.
Acupuncture for Asthma
Acupuncture is very effective in the treatment of airborne and chemical allergies. Acupuncture helps to balance the immune system and decrease the body’s reactivity to particles triggering a histamine response. This natural treatment helps patients suffering from symptoms including: watery eyes, sinus congestion and pain, itchy skin, post-nasal drip, sinus headache, coughing and sneezing.
Acupuncture is also used effectively in the treatment of asthma by stimulating the body to produce anti-inflammatory agents naturally and decrease inflammation. Acupuncture affects the sympathetic nervous system to ease constriction in the lungs. People find a significant improvement in their asthma symptoms and over time the response to allergens is lessened to produce long lasting relief.
Chinese Herbal Medicine for Asthma
Chinese herbal medicine is used to treat asthma with great success. We customize an herbal formula to target your specific symptoms (watery eyes, runny nose, cough, etc) and treat specific case to help you achieve the most relief. During off season, formulas are also given to strengthen the immune system and treat underlying causes to prevent asthma from returning.
Chinese herbal medicine is used in the treatment of acute and chronic asthma to strengthen the lungs, stop wheezing, improve circulation in the lungs and chest, improve breathing and eliminate phlegm. Chinese herbal medicinals are formulated to address each patient’s specific case and treat underlying deficiencies.
We can help you with your asthma or allergies using a natural and effective approach! Call us at 020 8780 0955 or click here to schedule your consultation today