BSc Hons, British Acupuncture Council Insured
Acupuncture | Chinese Herbal Medicine | Aesthetics
Build a Good Health Together
Yan Clinic
Putney London
Injectable Fat Removal
Aqualyx is a non-surgical treatment that dissolves localized stubborn fat by destroying fat cells. It is designed todestroy unwanted fat cells safely with permanent results.
Aqualyx is a fat dissolving treatment that targets fat removal for certain areas. Excess fat can be an issue for men and women, despite exercise and a good diet. These fatty stubborn areas sometimes just don’t want to budge, but the likes of liposuction may seem too extreme a solution. That’s when Aqualyx Fat Dissolving injections can help!
Aqualyx fat dissolving injections are effective for the following areas where fat tends to be more stubborn: the
belly, chin, jowls, upper arms, armpits, waist, hips, saddlebags, behind the neck (buffalo humps), chest (pseudo-gynecomastia), above the knees and the inner thighs. Aqualyx is famous for treating areas of fat that
sometimes not even regular exercise can eliminate.
Aqualyx is an injectable compound made from a secondary bile acid that cause fat destruction in the body. The bile acid works by liquefying and permanently destroying fat cells, which are then eliminated naturally by the body through the lymphatic system.
Three to five appointments are recommended, with 4-week intervals for successful results alongside a healthy
balanced diet and exercise.
The Aqualyx fat dissolving treatment is carried by our team leader, Michelle who has successfully treated many
patients in our clinic. Call us at 020 8780 0955, email or click here to schedule an appointment today and find out how we can help you get rid of your belly fat!
A solution is injected into the localized deposits of tissue into areas which liquefies the fat cell and destroys it
permanently. The lipids (fat cells) are then released and eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system.
When will I start to see the results from Aqualyx?
Results are fast but it’s recommended to have between two and five sessions to see a significant effect. Younger patients are more likely to see results after a longer period of time.
Aqualyx treatment effectiveness
Aqualyx can be used to treat the following areas:
Double chin
Prejowl sulcus (a drooping of flesh, forming the ‘sides’ of a double chin)
Upper arms
Fat deposits on buttocks, chest and inner thighs
Most clients notice a visible change within six weeks with subsequent further treatments improving the overall
result. The number of treatments required ranges from one to eight, with intervals of four weeks in between.
Once Aqualyx dissolves the unwanted fat, the effect is normally permanent. Aqualyx is intended for people usually (but not always) between 18 to 60 years old, who have good skin elasticity.