BSc Hons, British Acupuncture Council Insured
Acupuncture | Chinese Herbal Medicine | Aesthetics
Build a Good Health Together
Yan Clinic
Putney London
Chronic Bladder Infection / UTI
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are painful infections caused by bacteria that can occur in the urinary system. They are the most common infection among the women.
While antibiotics are often prescribed by Western medication to treat UTI, they also wipe out the good bacteria in your stomach and alter the microbe, which can lead to health problems later. According to research, Chinese herbal medicine works just as well as antibiotics in treating active infections and preventing them from recurring.
How Chinese Herbal Medicine works for UTI
After taking herbal formula, they are passed through the kidneys into the urinary tract. There are adheres to bacteria, preventing them from attaching to other cells and causing infection. The bacteria are passed harmlessly through your system.
Are you looking to relieve the symptoms of UTIs and preventing recurrence. We would like to help you! Call us at 020 8780 0955 or click here to schedule your health consolation today